

Brand Products

Hind Al-Mujahid Logistics Group's

More than just a luxurious hotel design for extended accommodation: it's an innovative and vibrant hotel brand designed for sophisticated and intelligent customers.

Cladding and timber factory

Implementation of wall decorations

We believe that every design can have a tale, and every rotation has a turn. We are keen on those who appreciate and enjoy the taste of life.

Furniture Factory

Furnishing services

We order the supply and manufacture of furniture, whether from local factories or from furniture companies and local and international brands.

Carpet Factory

Carpet-on-demand manufacture

began to embrace the art of textiles and restore part of this culture in a way to produce an artistic carpet, hand-produced with the most pure and quality materials.

Interior Design

Supervision services

Supervising all our projects by an integrated team according to a specialty.

Design services

This service includes (internal evaluation of all fies _ landscapes - exteriors)